Fall/Winter Decor Simple & Inexpensive

Monday, November 10, 2014
Simple seems best for fall and winter decor. Here I have chosen long stems of grass, some of them dyed for a splash of color. They are great for accents to drab neutral colored walls. These are inexpensive and can be found at dollar stores.

Kids Too Old For Trick or Treating?

Thursday, October 30, 2014
There are still lots of fun activities for kids to participate in even if they are too old for trick or treating. Attend a haunted house, or participate in one. There is also a pumpkin carving contest that you can host yourself. Pumpkins prices are usually slashed the day before Halloween. Prizes for winners can be simple like a $10 gift card Barnes & Noble. Have fun with the prize ideas.

Just Hanging Out

Friday, October 10, 2014
Just hanging out.

Christmas Decor The Thrifty Way

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Now that I am walking and able to drive I am taking full advantage of garage sales. Its amazing how many garage sales I saw this last weekend. With Christmas just around the corner my thoughts are on how to create a festive mood around the house. How else but with plenty of decor!
Christmas does not have to cost a fortune. I found some decorative items for .50 cents. These Christmas mugs make perfect vases for fresh smelling pine or cedar boughs. How many other things can you think of filling them with? Candy canes, various party favors the possibilities are endless. For those of you also bargain hunting, happy hunting!

Finished Bottle Art

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
I have finished my bottle and it turned out to be simple rather than more decorative. I have taken pictures of each side which repeat themselves on the other two sides. I think darker colors would have stood out more.

I Planted An Avocado

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
This is my avocado plant. It took a month to germinate and sprout which obviously took patience. I thought it would just keep growing with leaps and bounds but it has slowed down so I am back to having patience. I re-potted it thinking that it would grow faster but with no luck. I guess it will grow into a tree in its own time.
It reminds me of a child. Children take lots of patience.

First Day Of Physical Therapy

Monday, September 15, 2014
Physical therapy turned out not to be so bad. The lady was very nice. She moved my toe which felt good. I am going to be in the water pool alot which I am not to crazy about. I hate to show my pale legs. Gross.
In the end I am just thankful to finally be getting some help. I was put on a walker because they said the way I was walking was harmful to my body. I am so relieved because I was exhausting myself putting too much weight on one leg.
I was given homework to do. I have to do the exercises 10 times a day! 30 reps each! This will help the swelling go down. The muscles need to work and pump the blood to get the fluid out of the leg and foot.
Now I am going to have to get back to driving because my husband is tired of taking me to appointments since it is interfering with his work. I completely understand. He has been a trooper but it is exhausting to care for someone for a prolonged amount of time.
Well that was my physical therapy day 1. Back to my exercises...

Starting Physical Therapy

Today I am going to physical therapy. I am nervous, scared and dreading it. I have limited movement in my ankle and my toe does not move. Its my fault for not moving them all along.
I feel like my foot is made of glass and I am totally neurotic about my foot breaking since I re-broke the bone once already. I can not handle being laid up again waiting for a bone to heal. I am afraid to put my full weight on my foot even though they say the bone will not break. On the x-rays it showed only half the bone healed solid. The other half still had a fracture line. The only way to get it to heal at this point is to put weight on it to irritate the bone. How awful.
I will let you know what physical therapy is like. Hope I don't cry, I am such a cry baby.

Fall Is Here, Here Comes Halloween!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

As a child Halloween always seemed to officially start with the class coloring contest of the spooky Halloween picture. I never did win but I loved the feeling of anticipating trick or treating and dressing up in a costume.
Trick or treating was especially sweet if I got to go with a friend from school. I loved seeing everyone dressed up and who had the best costume. Since I am from a small town everyone knew everyone and there was plenty of places to trick or treat.
 Halloween just would not be Halloween without a popcorn ball or two. My older siblings were pros at trading candy with me and as I got older I learned not to trade the candy I liked just to get on their good side. Then came where to hide my candy since they finished theirs first and would then raid mine. How many of you can relate to that?
As Halloween draws near I hope that parents are thinking about safety. Today is a different world than when I was a kid. Please remember to check your child's candy and never allow your kids to go trick or treating without an adult. I hope you all have a candy prosperous and happy Halloween.

No More Bootcast!

Friday, September 12, 2014
I am finally out of my bootcast! I have a regular shoe on, well it was regular until I had to cut it to get it on. With the swelling in my foot the shoe was to narrow.
I am walking flat on my foot after 31/2 months. It has been long and exhausting recovery from bonion surgery. Never again!!!!!!
I am now able to do so many things that I was not able to before. I don't even know what to do first, lol. I know that I need to cook dinner tonight. I also have to practice driving my car in my driveway to get used to driving again. I live on 5 acres so there is plenty of room to do that.
It is just so nice to be able to rest my foot on the ground comfortably. Finally no tight staps crushing my leg.
I do have to visit the doctor in two weeks. I also have to go to physical therapy on Monday. My toe and ankle muscles need to be worked on to get my full range of motion back.
Well I am off to enjoy my very blessed day. Hope yours is blessed too.

Hurray! I Can Walk

Sunday, August 31, 2014
I went to the doctor this past Friday and my bone is 90% healed which means I can walk on my heal in my torture chamber of a bootcast. The doctor told my husband to take my crutches away this time so I have to put weight on my heal. This helps the bone continue to heal.
I was terrified and it took all my strength to trust that my bone would not break and put weight on my heal. So far so good. I do have swelling that occurs and I simply elevate my foot for at least an hour. I try not to overdue it. My tendons are so sore from lack of use. I wake up and they are so stiff I have to message them to get my ankle to bend. Its exhausting! 
I will go back to the doctor in about 12 days and then I get to get rid of the bootcast! Yay! So happy.

Healing Continues

Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Well I am now 4 months into healing from a bunionectomy w/ toe straightening. I would have been healed sooner but I broke a bone before it was finished healing. It has been 29 days since I rebroke the bone and I have been on a bone growth stimulator for 2 weeks. In two days I get to go to the doctor and see how much healing has taken place. I feel like I am never going to walk again! My leg is so withered. My toe does not move. I am so depressed I wish I never did this. Holding your leg up for going on 3 months is no fun. Cant wait till I can walk and sleep without propping my leg in the air. So scared I will break it again :(

Is It Meant To Be?

Saturday, August 23, 2014
Romantic relationships are usually easy to manage in the beginning. Two people who really hit it off can spend so much time laughing and doing fun things together because there is no pressure in the beginning. As time goes on and the couple becomes more comfortable a pattern of everyday life can develop and that's when the work begins.
Feeling stuck in a rut? This is very common among couples in long relationships or marriage. This often leaves them asking is this all there is? Is this meant to be?
Communication is important to a healthy relationship. Telling a spouse or mate about something new that you might like to try may do the trick. Couples who aren't afraid to express their needs often get through difficult times quicker. The  important thing to do is not ignore the issue.

Prolonged Sadness

Thursday, August 7, 2014
Well I was almost healed but I tightened my bootcast strap too fast and rebroke one of my bones. I was so sad I cried.  I am very tired of not being able to walk. Maybe another two months...hmmmm.
It is hard not to get depressed. I battle feelng sorry for myself by watching comedies. Helps me to forget for awhile. I love Carol Burnett, Mammas Family, the show All In The Family and also the comedy show Robin Williams Weapons Of Self Destruction. Too funny.

You Are Not Alone

Wednesday, July 9, 2014
I know that sometimes I can get caught up in my thoughts and feel like I am the only one who has ever felt this way. Alone, depressed, and seeing no immediate way out is a illusion that given time will pass.
Things I have done to get my mind out of the vice of negative thoughts are:
1. Allow myself to cry. I can be very strong and tend to think that crying will solve nothing. I found that in my lowest moments there is no other action I can take but to cry. I was surprised to find that with the tears and sobbing also was a release of exhausted pent up emotion.
2. Find a creative outlet to take my mind off my troubles. Writing this blog is a creative outlet. There are other ways to express thoughts, emotion, and situations. Painting, music, or other forms of artwork are great ways to expend pent up energy that can be expressed in brilliant ways. Maybe that's why we learn that most great artists were troubled people. Edgar Allen Poe certainly had his share of dark thoughts.
3. Cleaning my space around me. Feeling one way on the inside does not mean that we have to express it on the outside. That is a choice. I don't want to feel bleak inside and see bleak when I look around me so I tend to want to make my surroundings more cheerful in an attempt to focus on something cheerful and change my mood/thoughts. Replace dark curtains for lighter ones, clean the floor and nooks and crannies. This not only puts thought into action but also gives a sense of accomplishment.
4.Get out into nature. Nature is a powerful healer. Going out into a beautiful setting with greenery, water, and birds singing has a cleansing effect. My mind seems to come out of me and expand to feel the beauty of the surroundings. I can close my eyes and release into the energy of natural state of being. I don't need a reason or even a thought other than I AM. God has created me and given me free will. That thought brings me back to the realization that I have choice. That everything is a choice, just as everything is energy. I am left feeling empowered that I can make necessary adjustments, choices, and creations.
These are just a few ways I empower myself. You may have other ways which would be wonderful to hear about.  Peace be with you, truth to find you, light to lead you on your way.

Bootcast Torture Chamber!

Monday, June 30, 2014
I am now in my boot cast. It turns out that it is worst than the cast I had before. It is heavier and impossible to sleep in. The way I get to sleep every night is to fight to find a way to put my foot down, without causing my foot pain , and finally pass out from sheer exhaustion. I never remember falling asleep and I when I wake I pray I got enough sleep. The problem is the cast weighs between 5-10 lbs. and when I put it down it sinks into the cushion. It creates a pulling outward at the heel and this causes pain. So if it is painful to put down how does one rest? I feel like someone designed this to be a torture chamber! I finally found a way to stop the heal form sinking by placing a nonskid pad down and then on top of that putting a cushion and just placing the heel on the corner of the cushion. Why on the corner? Because there is very little material to sink into on the corner. I was sure to place something behind the cushion and nonskid pad to keep them from moving. What a process!
The heel is hard plastic on the bottom and then open on the top where your heel sits. The liner of the cast is inflatable fleece like material and it covers the foot and all the way up the leg to the knee. Everything is held on with adjustable straps.
Inflating the cast helps when you need extra support when moving around to keep the cast from slipping in the heel. Once my swelling went down I found I needed to use the extra padding pieces ,that came with the cast. to help fill in space around my heel.
This has been a long process and not only is it hard on me it is hard on my family. I am not able to do the chores I used to and so they have to pick up the slack. Also it is hard for them to see me in such discomfort. The thought that comforts me is that each day I am healing. Given time this too will pass.

Happy Tomorrow

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Tomorrow I get to go back to the doctor to get my stitches out and get rid of this heavy cast. It has been a miserable experience to say the least. I am going to get a boot and I still won't be able to put weight on my foot. That's o.k. cause I am getting around much better now. I am able to make my own coffee and breakfast. The gross part is after not being able to get my lower leg wet or wash my foot it stinks. Also the leg hair has of course grown. Yuck! That is the first thing I am going to do is wash my foot and shave my leg.

Enduring Through Disappointment

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Sometimes I start a new project just to realize that its not as great or grand as I thought. The art does not turn out like I imagined it or the feedback is not what I wanted it to be.
I know I am not the only one who has felt disappointment. There are many venues for disappointment to occur.
In business we might feel disappointed over our return on investment results. In a relationship we might feel disillusioned with our significant other. Maybe they were not who we thought they were when we first entered the relationship.
Everything grows and develops with time. The question is should we endure through the disappointment in hopes things will improve or should we just quit and move in another direction?

Past & Present

Sunday, June 15, 2014
This morning I am up early. Everyone else is asleep. Too much time to think is not always a good thing. My mind is bringing up past hurts, betrayals. The past comes into my present and creates hurt as if it happened yesterday.
I take this as a sign that I have not dealt with the past and fully let it go. I think working on being the best I can be in my present and future is the only way I am going to feel strong enough to let go.
What once was is no more.
Insecurities work on my self esteem and tear at it with unrelenting vigor. Yet I know that they stem from my own poor opinion of myself. That stems from a belief that if I was prettier, better, or good enough I would not have been betrayed. Not true.
Each person has their own path, choices, lessons to learn on this earth and we do this through experiences we choose to have. We cannot control what someone else does or is going to do. The people in our lives are our co-creators. Be gentle with the choices you make because they effect everyone around you.

Vision Boards & Manifesting

Saturday, June 14, 2014
We are all creators. The details in our life is our creation. I enjoy putting conscious thought into manifesting what I want to accomplish. I know that somewhere in the future I am already there doing what I want to do.
It is a part of the law of attraction. To make it fun and boost the energy of intention I create a vision board. The energy of creativity that flows while making a vision board can be minimal or intense depending on the individual making it. Don't worry about this because it does not matter how much glitter, bows, or glamour you add to your vision board, its the intention you put forth that counts. Be specific. If you prefer to draw simply draw yourself doing, receiving, having, ect, that which you desire. Its ok if it is just stick figures. If you prefer to use pictures you can do that too. The board acts as a conscious manifestation and reminder of your desire to manifest your future goal.
Once finished simple place it in an area where you will see it. Even if you stuck it in a closet you would see it when you opened the closet and it would remind you of your goal. Once that reminder is with you as you start your day you will be conscious of any opportunities you come across to help you achieve your goal. Pay attention! Take action!

Stormy Morning

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Today I was awakened to crashes and flashes of thunder and lightening. The thought of getting caught in a tornado scared me since I am on crutches due to my surgery. If I had to hurry and get into a closet that would be a fail on the hurry part. I feel like a sloth slowly and sluggishly humping along. Fortunately for me the storm has passed and I am left with the awe of how beautiful this world is. There are grey clouds mixed with billowing white clouds blowing by in the wind. As I watch I see vultures riding the wind currents and imagine how that must feel.
I am struck by the thought that whatever we focus on becomes our reality. I then take a look at my life and try to find applicable instances and the realization flood gates are open. I see instances or moments in time where I could have applied myself so much more and still can. So I am learning from my past to be better in my future. Another thought appears and says, we are limited beings and we cannot see everything happening all at once so give yourself a break. Don't stay in the muck of regret but step out onto the stage of new possibilities.

56 Breakfast Crepe Recipes | MrBreakfast.com

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Just thought these looked delicious!

56 Breakfast Crepe Recipes | MrBreakfast.com 

Suspect Occurances

I live on the outskirts of town. We have a horse and kept a harness on him to take him out of his corral while being able to control him.  Now we have realized that we are going to have to remove his harness because someone keeps cutting it off of him. If they don't agree with it being left on him why don't they just stop on by and discuss it like adults? Even if they don't want to discuss it they could have just removed it without destroying it. Maybe its a neighbor, I don't really know at this time.

The neighbors next to us moved because their house was destroyed by a tornado and they were living in a trailer. Instead of rebuilding they chose to move because they said the county here is corrupt. Well they left the abandoned trailer behind. Yesterday night we heard glass breaking inside the trailer and knew someone had trespassed on their property. We called the cops and they caught two kids inside the trailer. I guess with school being out some kids get bored and without proper supervision they are left to find there own form of entertainment. The night after this happened my dogs collar disappeared.  I am just glad nothing has happened to her. I really am feeling the need for security devices such as cameras and proper fencing. Our cars were broken into the first year we moved in, right before Christmas. At least that has not happened again. Keeping my fingers crossed that this area will show improvement.

Affordable Nook Books I Enjoyed Reading

Green Lake

Demon Days

A Spirited Manor

Shadowbrook Manor

Looking Forward To Friday

I am looking forward to Friday. We are celebrating Fathers Day early on Friday by going out to dinner. I don't know where we will go but it will be nice to get out somewhere besides just to a doctors appt. I will actually have a reason to do my hair and makeup! Little spritz of perfume (Glowing by Jennifer Lopez) and I will be just radiant.
Best to eat lite, maybe I will order a simple chicken salad. It is definitely  not the time to consume too many calories since my mobility has been limited by my foot surgery. Crutch on!
For anyone looking to eat lite and delicious here is a recipe I found on allrecipes.com Fab Summer Blackened Chicken


Tuesday, June 10, 2014
I am now 5 days out of surgery and am finally just getting up and around. My family has been wonderful throughout this ordeal. I am getting pretty good on crutches but it is tiring. Its very apparent how I took my mobility for granted. When you suddenly cannot do 90% of the things you used to life gets pretty unbearable so now I am forcing myself to get up and do the little things I can do. This helps me to not focus on my foot so much which was driving me crazy.
As part of the treatment I was prescribed a pain killer which I made me so sick I couldn't hold anything down. So on the third day I took myself off the pain meds and I luckily the pain was over. It did not return, what a relief!!
Now I cant wait to get this partial cast off. Its heavy and makes getting around even more difficult. I wont be getting it off for another two weeks and three days. They will also remove my stitches at this time.
Well until then I will be watching television and trying to find productive ways to pass the time. Letting the dogs out, cleaning the kitchen counters, daily shower, fixing my breakfast and lunch, ect. How will I survive such excitement?

Something To Smile About

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
My day has something to smile about. I was someones good taste. Thier better half. Someone chose me to spend the rest of their life with. That is something to smile about. I have clean sock this morning because I chose to wash them yesterday. That is something to smile about. I chose positive thoughts today and those thoughts made me smile. I thought of the adorable way my daughter gets ready for school. That made me smile. My heart is full and overflowing. That makes me smile.
Where ever you are and whatever your doing I hope you have something to smile about.

My Upcoming Surgery

Monday, June 2, 2014
I am going to be having surgery on Thursday. I am the first surgery of the day. I am feeling nervous and scared. I have never had surgery. Luckily it is a quick procedure since I am just getting my bunion fixed. Yeah, I know , gross. If I don't post for awhile after Thursday you know why.

Happy Friday!

Friday, May 30, 2014
Tonight I am taking my daughter and her friend out shopping and maybe to a movie. I am very happy and just wanted to wish you all a happy Friday! Treat yourself to some fun. :)

Crafting & Perfection

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Today I am working on my bottle decor. I will post an update with a picture soon. I realize that as soon as I try to achieve perfection I fail. This is simply because I am my own worst critic. Perfection like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all, we do not all want the same things. Our opinions, tastes, styles are different from one another. How many times have you been rummaging through a garage sale and the person next to you grabs something and says,"Oh! This is perfect." You probably looked at them and shrugged your shoulders because the item did not strike you as perfect. I guess it depends on what you have in mind and what they have in mind.
My bottle decor will not be perfect, in my eyes, but it will be appeal to someone who is looking for something different. Will they think it is shabby chic? Will they think it is sweet? Will they think its perfect? Once again it depends on what their idea is of those descriptions are and of course what they have in mind for the bottle decor.
Here is a link where you can find some great bottles Bottles & Jars just for fun. I have no connection with this website. I just like some of their bottles.

Shakira - Empire

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cutting Ties & Pursuing Happiness

I have had people in my life who I have cut ties with because they are not very good for my well being. Its just that they enjoy stirring up stuff in my life and others lives. Sometimes its cause they are jealous and other times its just to amuse themselves. Whether it be sharing your business with others ,that you told them in confidence, or trying to seduce your husband, significant other; these types of people just attract drama to themselves.
It is not a bad thing to cut ties with these types of people. Wish them well and just imagine that there is a cord going from them to you and cut the cord. You will find yourself feeling better and thinking of them less. Maybe you will even come to a place where you can forgive and move in a more positive direction toward people that inspire you and appreciate you.
You can choose to do whatever you want with your time but I choose to be happy. I choose not to put myself in those circumstances that bring drama into my life. If I have to I say no. When I feel inspired I embark on a new project or journey. Enjoy your time on planet earth for whether you do or not time will not stop for you.

Back To The Work Week

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Well that was a long Memorial Day weekend. I am glad to be back to the work week. I have the house to myself for a bit. Over the weekend I lost my car keys. Now I am having to drive a diesel stick shift truck. I am a terrible standard driver! My daughter was laughing at me all the way to school :} Hopefully I can do a better job of driving when I pick her up. I am sure my keys will turn up somewhere.
Last night it was almost impossible to get any sleep. We had a thunderstorm blow through and on top of that my dog would not stop barking. As I lay there I began to have thoughts of the past running through my head. Isn't it awful how that happens in the wee hours of the night? I have to remind myself that I am not there anymore and then I am so thankful for how far I have come. I finally outgrew my self destructive behavior. I am just too old for nonsense.
Fathers Day is coming up and my daughter is making my husband a picture frame with some pictures of them at a basketball game they recently went to. She painted it grey with different shades of blue trim. It has a shabby chic look to it and I think its fab. She really thought up a good idea for a gift, since he enjoys things that are handmade and is sentimental. He will keep it forever.
Well I hope that you all enjoy your week. Wish me luck on finding my car keys.

The Rain Has Finally Stopped

Monday, May 26, 2014
Well It rained all weekend. Now that the rain has stopped I have the humidity to look forward to. I did not get to go to any garage sales but there is always next weekend. Took the night off from cooking last night and just settled on sub sandwiches  and movies from Red Box.  I am a huge fan of horror movies while my family is more into comedies.
Did you see the horror move The Conjuring? It was pretty scary. It is based on a true story and thats what really scares me. Imagine moving into a house and having those things going on. I would probably settle for selling my house and if I couldn't do that I would probably be so scared I would camp in a tent!
Today I am going to be doing the usual dishes, laundry returning movies. I love to read so maybe I will find a freebee on Nook. There are actually alot of free ebooks that arent half bad. Anyways hope you all have a great day, where ever you are.

Its Sunday Again

Sunday, May 25, 2014
Well the week seems to have gone by so fast and now it is Sunday again. I sit and ponder what to write about today. Should I tell you about my ghostly experience of waking up and seeing a figure floating above my husband and I? Would anyone care to hear about it? Should I talk about mundane things such as the birds singing and what a beautiful day it is? These thoughts roll around my head as I sit.
My day has laundry, and dishes waiting for me. Couple cups of coffee and its time to cook breakfast. Does not seem to matter what I write here the day will roll on. Needless to say I am still grateful for this uneventful day, after all it could always be worst. 

Agonizing Over How To End A Relationship.

Friday, May 23, 2014
If you are agonizing over how to breakup with someone, I say honesty is the best policy. It does not do any good to procrastinate. Imagine if you had to jump into an icy cold lake. The longer you stand and look at the water the more you agonize over jumping in. Just jump in. (Please no one actually jump into a icy lake, its dangerous) Just have the dreaded conversation. I know that its no fun to go through the explanations and arguments but consider the alternative. The truth will set you free.

School Ending And Summer Starting

Thursday, May 22, 2014
I am happy that school is almost out summer. I have anxiety about my daughter getting a summer job. I guess the thought of her going into the adult world without me is new. She has to grow up, I know.  I guess my own experiences have to do with my anxiety, but I have to remember that just because I had a bad experience with a supervisor does not mean that she will.
When I was about 17 I had a supervisor make a pass at me.  He had to have been at least 27-30 years of age with a wife and two kids. I knew that he was upset cause he had recently found out his wife was having an affair, but that was no excuse for his behavior. I reported him and because of his horrible reaction he was let go. That was a long time ago, time to let go of that memory.
I will do my best to see that when it is time for her to get a summer job she gets one where there are responsible people who are accountable for each other. Maybe I will wait one more year before I let her get a summer job.

House On Haunted Hill - 1959 - Vincent Price. (Halloween Special) (Full ...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Robocalls and Telemarketing Calls

If you are sick of telemarketers and robocalls you can enter your number into the do not call registry. Once that has been done you can submit a complaint every time you receive one of these calls. It will not totally stop them but it will limit the amount of calls. Here is the link.
Do Not Call Registry

Trust Issues Do You Have Them?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I know that dating can be a nerve racking experience. What do I wear? How does my hair look? The list of worries goes on and on. I want to mention one specific worry and that worry is, am I going to get my heart broken?
Imagine you are sitting across the table from your date. In the middle of the table is a glass. The glass represents your life. You put your hand on the glass. He puts his hand over your hand in a affectionate gesture. You can either pull your hand away or allow it to linger there both of you sharing the warmth of the glass which is your life. Isn't that what we all want anyway is to share our life with someone?
If you are on a date and you are having fear thoughts, such as, what if there is another woman, ect., you are projecting yourself into that nightmare future. You cannot be in the moment if you are projecting yourself into a future scenario. Ask yourself is there any reason to doubt this persons intentions?
Loving someone enough to share our life with them is a brave thing to do. Make sure that you are projecting the kind, loving person that you are. After all no one wants to be with someone who is constantly worried that they are going to get hurt or that there is infidelity in the relationship. Communication is the key to a good relationship but if you feel that you are obsessing over your insecurities maybe you need to talk to someone about it. Just be sure its the right person.

Busy Day&Sad News

Monday, May 19, 2014
Today was such a busy day. I had couple of doctor appointments and errands. My phone has not stopped ringing and this is the first moment of peace I have had all day. OMG!
Anyways I got some sad news. I asked my podiatrist if Obamacare was going to effect him. He told me that yes as a matter of fact he will be out of business in probably two years. Insurance companies wont cover certain procedures and paying out of pocket is not an option for most people.
I found this very sad. He is such a good doctor.
I then commented that if doctors keep leaving the medical field we are going to have a huge shortage and that it takes time for a doctor to go to school ect. He told me that some medical schools are changing the GPA requirements. Instead of needing at lease a 3.5 they are now accepting 3.3.
Things are changing with Obamacare. Listening to the doctor I was left feeling helpless. I feel bad that he will have to find something else to do when he is already doing what he loves to do.
How many more doctors out there will also loose their livelihood? 

Dating Married Men

Sunday, May 18, 2014
Would you ever date a married man? I know several people who are interested in or are having a relationship with a married man. One lady literally said to me,"All the good guys are taken". Another lady justified her actions by saying that if he was happy he wouldn't be with her.
I feel that these women are doing themselves a injustice. Why be the other woman? What say you?

According to the website Truth About Deception 30-60% of all married people in the United States will engage in infidelity at some point in their marriage. 

Battle Of The Bulge After 30

Saturday, May 17, 2014
So I am struggling to keep my weight down. It takes sacrifice. I have cut back on sugary snacks, and chips. I now substitute with fruits and veggies. If I crave salt I add salt to raw carrots.
Exercise is no longer optional it is a must.
Treadmill= At least 15 minutes of running 4 times a week.
This might not seem like much to some people but to me its more exercise than I normally get. Of course this will increase as I get into better shape.
I am seeing results and I have also started using a supplement that is supposed to aid in weight loss. So far so good. I am fitting my clothes better and I feel great!
If you need motivation just think of someone you want revenge on and then get on that treadmill and run! Living well is the best revenge. Look your best!
You should of course consult your doctor before starting any exercise routine or taking any supplements.

Immitation- Is It The Sincerest Form Of Flattery?

Some people say to be flattered when someone copies me. Such as I buy an accessory and they go buy one in a similar shade. I don't find it flattering. I find it annoying! Just saying.

Vicki: Im Not Proud of How I Treated Lizzie | Vicki Gunvalson | The Real Housewives of Orange County Blog

Vicki: Im Not Proud of How I Treated Lizzie | Vicki Gunvalson | The Real Housewives of Orange County Blog

Happiness Is Saturday Morning

I enjoy getting up before everyone else on Saturday morning. I have the house to myself and its quiet. I can take some time to catch up on some of my recorded shows like Bravos RHOC, RHONY ,ect. Then its time to cook breakfast. This morning we had french toast. I dress it up with a side of fruit like sliced bananas or oranges. Strawberries are also delicious.
 I was not always a morning person. I guess when my kids were younger and I felt I had to get up it was more of a chore. But now that my son is grown and on his own and my daughter sleeps in, things have changed. Its amazing how a perspective can change the way you feel about a situation, place, event and more. Funny how when your in the midst of a moment in your life you sometimes forget to appreciate the little things. I kind of miss the noise of little children running and screaming up and down the hallway. Well almost anyway. I dedicate this post to taking the time to enjoy your moments, as insignificant as they sometimes may seem.

The Dead Files : TV Shows : Travel Channel

Friday, May 16, 2014
The Dead Files : TV Shows : Travel Channel

I am fascinated with all the paranormal findings on this show! If you have never watched it you are missing out!

Went To A Movie

Well we decided to get out of the house for awhile. We went and saw the movie Neighbors. It was funny! I would not recommend this movie for kids since there is ALOT of sex and drugs shown. My daughter is 15 and it was uncomfortable to watch that movie with her. I did not realize that they would show sooo much explicit activities. Just fair warning. Goodnight.

My Routine Friday

Its a rather routine day today...so far. Its sunny and the birds are singing. Hubby is staying home from work to go to a doctors appointment. Getting the laundry done. Thinking about how to decorate some glass bottles I bought at a garage sale a few weekends ago. So many possibilities, beads, lace, wire, foil? I am so picky that this is probably going to take me awhile.
I know that creativity is perfectly imperfect. Seems like the less you try to get it perfect the better it looks. Just have to put some music on and get in the flow. Enjoy the process. Project to be continued.

Friends... To Be Or Not To Be

Thursday, May 15, 2014
I have not had the greatest luck with friends. Lets face it there really is no such thing as luck. We create our everyday reality one choice at a time. Sometimes its not the choice we make that ends a friendship but the choice or choices our friend makes.
I had a friend who was alone and lonely. I did not realize this when we first met. I knew she was having problems but never thought about how her situation could affect her decision making. She was fighting for custody of her child after a divorce. She was a working mother and I was a stay at home mom so I guess I thought of myself as the lonely one. Little did I know.
As we got to know each other better and she met my family it became clear she wanted to be welcomed into the family. She began asking questions about my husband and soon that was all she showed interest in talking about. Warning bells began going off inside my mind as I raced to make sense of our friendship. Were we ever really friends or was she on the make for my husband all along?
I ended our friendship. Strangely enough it was a blessing to have had this experience. I learned that people aren't always who they appear to be. I also learned that I needed to clean up my act and work on my marriage. Today my family and I are happier now than we have ever been. In a way I guess I should thank her.

Your Grocery Bill Is Probably on the Rise Because of California

Your Grocery Bill Is Probably on the Rise Because of California

Ebay Addiction!

I think I may have a serious ebay addiction. Ebay is so fascinating to me. You can find almost any little thing you want or need on ebay. Anything from baby clothes to computer software. If I see a tweet about an ebay listing its all over! Hoppin on over to ebay! Happy shopping everyone. Don't be outbid!

The Gift Of Tea

I enjoy a good cup of tea to relax. Tea makes a great baby shower Eskimo bingo prize. It also is a great gift if you make a gift basket out of it. There are also plenty of online companies who specialize in home delivery of tea. Enjoy your tea!

Marriage, do you still believe in it?

I have been married for 16 years. I can tell you like the path of life it has its ups and downs. I would not even consider being with someone who was not with me for a life long commitment. Time is precious.
More and more I hear young people say that they no longer believe in marriage. Have our young people become disillusioned with marriage? Are we seeing more and more single parents than ever before?

Need Coffee!

This morning is bright and sunny, but oh do I need my coffee! Five hours of sleep is just not enough. Thinking about how fast the day is going by already and how short our lives as humans really are. Do you ever just wake up and think about that? If you ever want to feel small watch any show that explains the universe and how big it is. 
Thinking about the big stuff helps me keep the little stuff in perspective. Life will always challenge us but as long as we aren't allowing it to overwhelm us we can tackle any obstacle. For now I am going to tackle the dishes, oh I forgot to mention I am a stay at home mom.