The Lady In White

Thursday, January 15, 2015
As I sat looking through my third eye I saw darkness. That was not all I saw though. I looked  towards my left shoulder and saw solid white energy. The white energy then moved away from me and began to take shape. I realized it was a woman. The woman came forward towards me until the white energy enveloped me. I was looking down now and found myself fearing what I would see when I looked up. Looking up I was face to face with a blonde haired blue eyed lady. She said nothing but there was kindness in her eyes and a look of concern. After all she was in another dimension and I was now strangely there with her. When I looked away from her I could see a dark vastness of nothing. There was however light coming from her, which was arching out into the dark. I wanted to explore but she seemed to suddenly appear once again before my face. She did not want me to go out into the dark. She kept looking up above my head, why I do not know. I decided it was time to leave this dimension. I shook my head and opened my eyes. I have never seen the lady in white again and know nothing about her.

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